Hide trades & prevent them from being re-imported
Interactive Brokers Import & Auto Sync
Import from Schwab
Export Trades
How to Move Transactions and Positions Between Portfolios
How to multi-sort tables
How delete a transaction
Editing trades
How can I delete trades from my account?
Grouping positions
Quickly Close or Expire a Position
Creating and managing Books
Handling Options During a Stock Split
Position Naming and Strategy Tracking
Position Audit
How to read a position
Automatic strategy categorization
Importing and Analyzing Trades
Calculating Total Cost
In this scenario you may want to only start your trade journal from a specific date but your brokerage is automatically importing all of your historic trades.
In WealthBee you can delete and hide trades.
Deleting trades removes them from your account but allows them to be reimported.
Hiding trades hides them from your account but will prevent them from being reimported.
To hide trades you can do this:
Head to the transactions page, or positions page. Select the trades or positions you want to hide (you can select multiple with shift). Right click any of the selected trades, go to advanced and click hide.
Here is a video of how to do this:
If you want to hide by a specific date you can do this:
Go to the positions page
Change grouping to no grouping
Sort by date (enable from the left hand columns menu if needed)
Click the first trades, hold shift and click the last trade
Right click any selected trade
Hide trades
WealthBee is a trading journal and platform that helps you track your investments, monitor your portfolio, and analyze your performance. It is designed to be easy to use, intuitive, and powerful for both beginners and experienced investors.