Hide trades & prevent them from being re-imported
Interactive Brokers Import & Auto Sync
Import from Schwab
Export Trades
How to Move Transactions and Positions Between Portfolios
How to multi-sort tables
How delete a transaction
Editing trades
How can I delete trades from my account?
Grouping positions
Quickly Close or Expire a Position
Creating and managing Books
Handling Options During a Stock Split
Position Naming and Strategy Tracking
Position Audit
How to read a position
Automatic strategy categorization
Importing and Analyzing Trades
Calculating Total Cost
WealthBee has a very powerful feature that allows you to group your positions and trades very easily. This is useful as it lets you view various statistics at an aggregated level for a set trades.In this guide we will show you how to group trades and positions and view statistics at group level.There are several levels of grouping:
Book level grouping
Position level grouping
When you first upload your trades no default grouping is assigned and everything will either be in the default or unbooked group. You don't need to group trades to use Wealthbee but if you do it'll allow you to see statistics about your trading in various useful ways.
You should start by heading to the transactions page and starting to group your trades. Here is an example of how to start booking positions. In the image below you start by selecting the checkbox next to the trade you want to group. Then on the right you can type in the name of a book and the position and set them.
In this example I can now head to the positions page and view that group instantly.
It's also easy to group from the position page. Right clicking on any position will let you allocate a position to either a book or position group.
You can drag and group trades and positions into different groups which can make the process much faster, especially if you have faster internet.
Grouping positions lets you view key statistics about those positions and trades. On the positions page you can view at a high level P&L.
Double clicking into any group on this page displays additional statistics such as realized profit and loss, net proceeds, total profit and loss, total fees, days in position.
There are more statistics that become visible as you click further into the group.Its also possible to view a timeline where you can add notes and view the transaction lineage of a group.
Double clicking a single position lets you access the audit tab. The audit tab is a unique feature to WealthBee where we display the calculations and how we got to those results.
Here are some example of how I use WealthBee to group my trades. Selling weekly puts on ARM at the money. I group these together so that in the future I can then group by my strategy to see its performance.
I also did the same for DJT and grouped the trades in the same way:
Now that I've set these groups I can view my positions page in a different way and group by position group:From the menu I can select the drop down and group by Book -> Position Group to display all of these strategies together.
This displays the group together and lets me see stats at the group level:
I can even double click that group and view all the trades together:
WealthBee is a trading journal and platform that helps you track your investments, monitor your portfolio, and analyze your performance. It is designed to be easy to use, intuitive, and powerful for both beginners and experienced investors.