WealthBee lets you automatically import your trades, analyze your trading performance and trading psychology.
The dashboard is the first feature you see when you log in. It provides a high-level overview of your trading performance and trading psychology.
You can have multiple portfolios, dashboards, filters and insights. All can be moved around and resized to your preferences. On this page you can add assets, options, equities, futures, unlisted assets.
There are loads of insights available to help you understand your trading performance and trading psychology. We're always adding new insights to help you improve your trading.
Total Net Proceeds
Displays your proceeds (credits) net of fees
Total Costs
The total of fees and commissions
Avg. days in position
The average days you kept a position open.
Total Debits
The total of all debits in your account
Total Credits
The total credits received in this account
Average Win Loss in $
Displays your average wins and average losses in your chosen currency
Win Loss Ratio (%)
Displays your % wins. A draw will not be displayed. A win is a realized PNL greater than zero.
Profit & Loss by Date
A barchart with your P&L displayed, both profit and loss is visible in a stacked chart.
Unrealized Profit & Loss
PNL from positions that have not been closed. Uses the last price available.
Realized P&L
Displays your realized profit and loss as a result of closed positions.
Total P&L
Displays your combined PNL from unrealized and realized profit and loss calculations.
Total Gross Proceeds
Displays the total proceeds received as credits from transactions.
Open Positions
A table which displays your current open positions
Performance by Weekday
Displays your performance by weekday
Closed positions
Displays a table of your closed positions
Profit & Loss by Underlying
Displays a barchart with profit and loss by underlying. Displays all of your currently filtered underlyings.
Size By Underlying
Displays a map with the size of positions by the underlying
Size By Position Group
Displays a map with the size of positions by their grouping
Size By Book
Displays a map with the size of positions by their book
Size By Strategy
Displays a map with the size of positions by their strategy
Profit & Loss by Book
Displays a barchart with profit and loss by book. Displays all of your currently filtered underlyings.
Profit & Loss by Strategy
Displays a barchart with profit and loss by strategy. Displays all of your currently filtered underlyings.
Recently traded positions
Displays a table with your recently traded positions
Upcoming expiries
Displays a table with upcoming option expiries
Cumulative P&L
Displays your cumulative P&L in a line chart
The positions page is where you can see all your positions. You can filter by portfolio, asset, option, equity, future, unlisted asset, strategy, book, position group, underlying, and more. You can also see the performance of each position, the trading psychology of each position, and the risk of each position.
The transactions page is where you can see all your transactions. Here you can assign books, position groups and strategies. You can also see the performance of each transaction, the trading notes of each transaction.
The cashflows page is where you can see all your cashflows. These are dividends, interest, deposits, withdrawals, and more. You can filter by portfolio, asset, option, equity, future, unlisted asset, strategy, book, position group, underlying, and more.
While WealthBee does provide pricing for US equities, futures and options. WealthBee also lets you set your own pricing, useful for unlisted assets and other assets that don't have a price.
WealthBee lets you embed your dashboards, insights, positions, transactions, cashflows, and more on your website. This is useful for sharing your trading performance and trading psychology with others. This is an enterprise feature, please contact us to enable this feature.
Monitor your entry and exit points with historic charts. This feature allows you to see the price of an asset at a specific time in the past. This is useful for backtesting your trading strategies.
Easily view any position and the breakeven and risk of that position. This is useful for understanding the risk of your trading strategies.
Easily upload your trades from your broker. Including: Manual Entry, Interactive Brokers, TastyTrade, Thinkorswim, Robinhood, Firstrade, Ally, Etrade, Charles Schwab, Fidelity, TD Ameritrade and more.
The calendar page is where you can see all your upcoming events such as expiries. This is useful for tracking your trading performance and trading psychology.
WealthBee lets you change the theme of the app. This is useful for changing the look and feel of the app to suit your preferences.